Turtle Wax 1 and Done Compound Correct and Finish, 16 oz.
$165.00 TTD
Scratch & Swirl Remover
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Product Details
UPC: 074660534120
Brand: Turtle Wax
Weight: 16.00 oz
One product does it all by safely correcting and polishing any paint surface, leaving behind a wet reflective finish, with the simple switch of the pad on your machine polisher.
Proprietary blend of high-quality precision platelet abrasives, removes up to 1000 grit paint imperfections needed for heavy restoration.
Eliminates scratches, swirl marks, and paint transfer for lighter surface restoration.
Body shop safe formula produces zero dust, has extended work time, no sling, and wipes off easily.
Best results are achieved when this product is applied with a machine polisher. Use appropriate speed and pad for polisher being used. Always try the least aggressive pad to deliver desired results