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Adam's Polishes

Adam's Graphene CS3 - Waterless Wash Detailer

Adam's Graphene CS3 - Waterless Wash Detailer

Regular price $180.00 TTD
Regular price Sale price $180.00 TTD
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Graphene CS3™ is a modern presentation of an active three-in-one waterless wash detailer. Graphene CS3™ was designed to effortlessly deliver a clean, finished surface, generate a ridiculous amount of shine, and protect using the latest in graphene-ceramic and silica resin technologies. This graphene-oxide infused waterless wash formulation delivers a gentle, safe, and effective means of cutting through dirt, dust, grease, grime while remaining absolutely streak free each and every time.

  • Contains Graphene Ceramic Resins
  • Easy to Apply and Use – Spray On/Wipe Off
  • Adds Depth, Gloss, Slickness and Clarity
  • Cuts through Dirt, Dust, Grease, Grime and other Contaminants
  • Lubricates without Smearing, Streaking or Scratching
  • Formula Leaves Behind a Durable Layer of Protection for up to 90 Days
  • Suitable for All Surfaces both Coated and Uncoated
  • Plum Scented


  1. Inspect paint for larger dirt particles or grit. Do not use Graphene CS3™ for extremely dirty finishes – see Common Sense Warning!
  2. Spray product liberally onto the area to be cleaned, starting from the top and work down.
  3. Using our bright blue waffle-weave Waterless Wash Towel, lightly wipe the towel across the surface.
  4. Rotate the towel to a fresh side and repeat, working in straight lines. Work top to bottom, leaving the lower sections last.
  5. Use additional towels as necessary once all clean sides have been expended or saturated.

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