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Adam's Polishes

Adam's Gray Microfiber Applicator (Single) 270GSM

Adam's Gray Microfiber Applicator (Single) 270GSM

Regular price $40.00 TTD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 TTD
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A multi-purpose applicator that can be used for applying waxes, sealants, dressings, polishing metal or any other detailing task you may have.

Swirl Free Microfiber Detailing Applicator Pads

Apply your Car Wax & Paint Polish or Sealants with ease

High-Quality Microfiber Applicator Pads

The Quality Microfiber You Can Expect from Adam's!

Foam Pad Wrapped In Microfiber

Durable & Reusable

Adam's Microfiber Applicator Pads are made from the same high quality microfiber as our towels. You will notice a marked improvement in softness, function, and durability with our Adam's Microfiber Applicator Pads.

Use these versatile and washable applicators to polish and wax in tight spaces, or to apply our super durable glass sealant to all the exterior glass of your vehicle.

Have aluminum wheels or trim? These applicators are perfect for using our Metal Polish #1 and #2 to restore raw metals to their original state. Super soft and guaranteed never to cause scratches or swirling.

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